Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Allergy??? Can't be... Oh no....

I think I maybe allergic to the yarn I'm using for the first baby blanket for the triplets. Why may you ask? I always get cracked finger tips year round and worse in the winter. However, I've noticed on my middle fingers and on my left thumb on the top it's getting all red and irritated. I wasn't sure why but last night while I was knitting the blanket I looked down and saw where my fingers were touching. Bingo! Red finger tips hit right on the blanket. Other fingers did not or not as much. Now what to do. This is the first time I'm using Debbie Bliss' Prima 80% Bamboo / 20% Merino Wool. It's got to be the Bamboo. I love the way it feels. It is very soft to the touch. I'm going to check it out on Ravelry to see if any one else is having a problem. I will have to finish the blanket and then change the yarns for the other 2. If it gets real bad I will take breaks and knit small projects in between. All for now.

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