Friday, January 13, 2012

The missing tiger

I am off to "Vogue Knitting Live" tomorrow and I went to print out all the knitted blocks for the zoo blanket. After looking in all my computer files I realized I never took a picture and down loaded the Tiger. So when I get back I will have to do it. There is a picture of it knitted up in the layed out blanket, but no close up. It will just have to do for now. I'm looking forward to the show. I'm taking only 1 class, "Brioche Lace". It should be fun. I also have a lecture "Behind the scenes of Creating the Finishing School" book. That should be interesting. I like both teachers. This year I'm doing the market by myself since I have my very own electric scooter and I don't need anyone to push me like I did when I was in my wheelchair. I feel like I been liberated & freed. I can take my time and not feel rushed. It should be fun. Ruth is going to meet me around 5 and I'm going to sleep over her place. So she will help me go up town & I spend the evening with the Rosenthals. Sunday morning they will help me get into a cab so I can go back to the show for my early morning class. It should be a fun weekend. All for now.

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