Sunday, January 11, 2009

bye-bye mittens

It's been awhile since I've posted, 11 days. Not much has happened. I got alot more done on the blanket. Good thing. Maybe I'll take a picture later. However, tragedy has struck my favorite hand knitted mitten. I made them about 5 years ago. They were the perfect mittens for me. 100% cashmere for warmth, the fit was perfect and they were pretty with ruffles on the wrist and I loved the color purple blend. I wore them all the time. I didn't know it but I wore out the thumb on my right hand. I have no more yarn so I don't think I can reknit that area. A seam will bother me because it's right in the middle of my thumb. So it's bye-bye mittens. Now to replace them is a problem. The yarn was about $50.00. Time is the next problem with me working on the blanket and all. The good thing is I still have the pattern somewhere. I would also have to get to the knitting store "Knit", which is always a problem. You know I still want to work on the socks for Richard & his hat. Time is a flying by and so is winter. I guess I can use the money that my knitting group gave me for the holidays. But it will be another project that will just sit there. So my poor hands will have to suffer in my polar fleece gloves. Even if I had the yarn it would take me about 5 days to knit.
I just tried to take a picture of the gloves but since it's my right hand I couldn't do it with my left hand. I will wait until later and have Richard take the pictures of the worn out glove on my hand. Later, Terry

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