I got a lot of responses from the knitters on ravelry on my problem with the red fingers and my being allergic to the bamboo. I came to the conclusion that it's probably the chemicals that is used in the processing in making the yarn. The suggestions some good and some I won't even try. The not try was washing the yarn first. NOT! I think I will buy these "Finger Cots". They look like little condoms for your fingers. I have to be able to feel the yarn. I'm a touchy type of person. Gloves will be to bulky. Others said to try creams. I'm already using different Dr. recommended creams. Mean while I'm still knitting away.
I have to figure out how to add photos to this blog. A fellow blogger (fieldfen.blogspot.com) has a great blog with pictures and all. This way I can post the blanket as I go along. This means another lesson from my daughter and/or son.
One of the tricks that I tell my students when working on an intarsia piece is to weave in the ends, on the back, as you go along. The ends (of the yarn) happen when you add on a new color. This way you won't be overwhelmed at the end. It's also good to do this so the ends won't get in the way when you are changing colors. I do this about every 2-3 " or so. Depending on how many color changes were going on. I'm just about 1/3 of the way through. I also think this part had the most color changes happening. The middle should go fast. The only other area that will be slow is the windows & door. I have got to be able to get pictures on this blog!
Things I need to do today-
1- Go to Post Office to mail back broke Camcorder- present for Julian
2- rewind yarn- sock & hat yarn
3- try to figure out to add pictures to this blog
4- work on blanket- knit knit knit
The rewound yarn is for my DH to make him more socks & a new hat. This way I can take a break from the blanket and give my arms and fingers a rest. As the blanket gets bigger it gets heavier. Also all the bobbins make it heavy. It gets harder for me to hold up. Starts to trigger off my RSD. Then PAIN PAIN PAIN. So taking a break is a good thing. Socks weigh nothing and I don't have to concentrate. Though concentrating is a good thing for my brain. You don't use it, you lose it.
Signing off for now. I maybe back with some pictures if I'm successful.